15 November 2007

Moving Out of Jesus Neighborhood - Part II

Upon hearing this story I thought it fit with the synchroblog.

I'll keep things fairly generic to protect the innocent (and the guilty, but who am I to judge?), however the story is from a direct source.

There's a pastor in town that's struggling financially (no surprise) to no fault of his own; just simple outside circumstances.
It was brought before the church leadership that the church should help. There was lot's of resistance with statements basically eluding to, "Well he took this job, he should man up and live with the consequences."

Of course it's the church that brought him into this "job" in the first place.
There is a concern about tight finances at the church, but nevertheless it was approved and I think the church is going ease the burden.

Here's the kicker - The church has $750,000 in the bank just sitting there so they can pay the electric bill off the interest. For those of you that are communications majors and kinda slow in math like me, that's 3/4 of a MILLION dollars.

....And they almost didn't help out their own pastor...


Anonymous said...

I am *not* surprised. We went to the sister of that church here in Virginia. Different circumstances, same concept.

Stewardship is a new measure of holiness. Care and love are not quite on the radar ...

Anonymous said...

it's very easy to play safe with money, especially when it's been given in good faith. It is a lot more uncomfortable to take what we have and wrestle with what is good way of reinvesting what we have...