01 January 2008

I'm back to the blog but missing a classy grandma

The break was nice.
This is just a short post letting all who care know that I'm back.

My Grandmother died Christmas eve. Some reflection on that forthcoming.
But two things I want to try and do this year (And I don't do resolutions...) is to spend more time staying in touch with my family, and to emulate my Grandma in her class and care for others.

Until next time,
Peace and Happy 2008


Jeff said...

Man, sorry to hear about your loss. It's painful any time, but Christmas Eve is really the pits.

My thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

Unknown said...

bro, your life is such a fitting tribute to your grandma, you are such a source of eternal pride for her I'm sure (boasting away to the other saints about how that's her grandson down there and cheering you on)...